About Us
Mechanical Engineering Department is one of the oldest departments of the institute. It is also one of the biggest departments of the institute with student strength of about 650 which will touch approximately 900 in next few years. While managing this increased strength which is an urgent need of the nation, department is committed to well being and all round development of its students.The department currently runs two undergraduate programmes:
Objective of the undergraduate programme is to prepare the manpower that is globally best. Most of the students, who graduate from the department, end up taking leading positions in industry, academia and government in both India and abroad.
Department has currently four masters programmes:
- M. Tech. (Mechanical Design)
- M. Tech. (Industrial Engineering)
- M. Tech. (Production Engineering)
- M. Tech. (Thermal Engineering)
Along with other departments, Mechanical Engineering Department was instrumental in starting an interdisciplinary master's programme in Power Generation Technology which is completely sponsored by Industry. Department also offers Master of Science (Research) with more research content than course content. Strength of department lies in its Ph.D. Programme with more than 70 research scholars pursuing the programme.
Department is organized in terms of three groups for academic and administration purpose which are
- Mechanical Design Group
- Production & Industrial Engineering Group
- Thermal Engineering Group
The department has faculty strength of 50 (37 in position and). Faculty members of the department are also occupants of different chairs of the institute which include BHEL Chair, NTPC Chair and Mehra Chair. Department has a technical staff of 43 who are associated with 23 different laboratories. Department also houses an institute central facility on Rapid Prototyping. The department is very well equipped with computational facilities and resources both in terms of hardware and software. Department has more than 250 computing systems and workstations loaded with wide range of software products covering all areas of mechanical engineering.