Arpan Gupta

Areas of Interest: 

Metamaterials, Acoustics, Vibrations, Image processing for machine diagnostics


  • Ph.D. - National University of Singapore
  • B. Tech Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi

Academic/Industrial Experience

  1. Associate Professor IIT Mandi
  2. Assistant Professor IIT Mandi
  3. Scientist - IHPC, Singapore

Selected Publications

  1. Gupta, A., Sharma, R., Thakur, A., Gulia, P., Metamaterial foundation for seismic wave attenuation for low and wide frequency band, (2023) Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 2293.
  2. Dogra, S., Gupta, A. Design, Manufacturing, and Acoustical Analysis of a Helmholtz Resonator-Based Metamaterial Plate, (2021) Acoustics, 3 (4), pp. 630-641.
  3. Gulia, P., Gupta, A. Enhancing the sound transmission loss through acoustic double panel using sonic crystal and porous material, (2018) Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144 (3), pp. 1435-1442.
  4. Nag, S., Sharma, P., Gupta, A., Dhar, A. Combustion, vibration and noise analysis of hydrogen-diesel dual fuelled engine, (2019) Fuel, 241, pp. 488-494.

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