B. Tech (Production & Industrial Engineering)

Programme Code: ME2 / (PE)

Bachelor of Technology in Production and Industrial Engineering

The overall Credits Structure

Undergraduate Core (UC)
Undergraduate Elective (UE)
Category Credits Category Credits
DC 66 DE 24
BS 20 HM 14
EAS 24 OC 31
HU 1    
Total credits = 180

Basic Sciences (BS) Core

CYL120 Inorganic and Organic Chemistry: Concepts and Applications 3-1-0 4
CYP100 Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-4 2
MAL110 Mathematics - I 3-1-0 4
MAL120 Mathematics -II 3-1-0 4
PHL120 Physics of Materials 3-1-0 4
PHP100 Physics Laboratory 0-0-4 2
TOTAL BS Core 12-4-8 20

Engineering Arts and Sciences (EAS) Core

AML110 Engineering Mechanics 3-0-2 4
AML120 Materials Science 3-0-2 4
CSL101 Introduction to Computers and Programming 3-0-2 4
CSL102 Introduction to Computer Science 3-0-2 4
EEL102 Principles of Electrical Engineering 3-0-2 4
MEL110 Graphic Science 2-0-4 4
MEL120 Manufacturing Practices 2-0-4 4
TOTAL EAS Core 16-1-14 24

Humanities and Social Sciences (HU) Core

HUN100 Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences 1-0-0 1

Departmental Core (DC)

AML150 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids 3-1-2 5
MEC420 Colloquium (PE) 0-3-0 3
MED421 Major Project Part 1 (PE) 0-0-6 3
MED422 Major Project Part 2 (PE) 0-0-14 7
MEL211 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines 3-0-2 4
MEL221 Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 3-0-2 4
MEL231 Casting and Welding 3-0-2 4
MEL234 Metal Forming and Machining 3-1-2 5
MEL235 Metrology and Quality Assurance 3-0-2 4
MEL311 Machine Element Design 3-1-2 5
MEL322 Operations Planning and Controls 3-0-2 4
MEL331 Machine-tools and CNC Manufacturing 3-0-2 4
MEL423 Computers in Manufacturing Enterprises 3-0-2 4
MEN120 Introduction to Production and Industrial Engineering 0-0-4 2
MEP201 Mechanical Engineering Drawing 1-0-4 3
MEP202 Design Innovation and Manufacturing 0-0-4 2
MEP331 Process Engineering and Tool Design Project 1-0-4 3
MET420 Practical Training (PE)     - NC
TOTAL DC 32-6-56 66

Departmental Electives (DE)

MED320 Mini Project (PE) 0-0-8 4
MEL310 Concurrent Engineering 3-1-0 4
MEL312 Control Theory and Applications 3-1-2 5
MEL323 Investment Planning 3-0-2 4
MEL324 Value Engineering 3-0-2 4
MEL332 Design and Manufacturing of Composites 3-0-2 4
MEL334 Low Cost Automation 3-0-2 4
MEL335 Advances in Metal Forming 3-1-0 4
MEL336 Advances in Welding 3-0-2 4
MEL410 Creativity in Engineering 3-1-0 4
MEL411 Mechatronics 3-0-2 4
MEL414 Computer Aided Mechanical Design 3-0-2 4
MEL415 Vibrations Engineering Design 3-0-2 4
MEL416 Robotics Engineering 3-1-0 4
MEL420 Total Quality Management 3-0-2 4
MEL422 Project Management 3-0-2 4
MEL425 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 3-0-2 4
MEL426 Materials Management 3-0-2 4
MEL431 CNC Machines and Programming 3-0-2 4
MEL432 Microprocessor Applications in Manufacturing 3-0-2 4
MEL433 Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing 3-0-2 4
MEL434 Design for Manufacturing and Assembly 3-0-2 4
MEL435 Geometric Modelling for Manufacturing 3-0-2 4
MEL436 Injection Moulding and Mould Design 2-0-4 4