Research Areas

Micro and Nano Engineering

Our multidisciplinary research group uses theoretical and experimental techniques to investigate fluid flow and mass transport phenomena at micro- and nano-scales. We leverage the unique advantages of micro/nano scales to engineer processes and devices that operate on surface dominated effects. Some technologies that we are currently working on include, nonlinear electrokinetics, droplet-based microfluidic systems, liquid-lenses, porous polymers, capillary driven flows, micro-scale heat transfer, and oil reservoir simulations. A major thrust of our lab is on the development of innovative products and processes in collaboration with other research groups in biochemical, textile, chemical engineering, and physics departments. Besides research in micro-and nano-fluidics, we also provide support to industry in wide-ranging issues related to fluid mechanics and heat transfer.

Members of the group work on fluid dynamics at the microscale, which has applications to microfluidic devices. At microscale and lower, volumetric effects like inertia and gravity assume reduced significance in comparison to surface effects such as electrostatics, surface tension, surface topography and wall slippage of fluids. Research of the group explores the role of such surface phenomena in fluid flow through analytical and numerical methods. Specifically, we are interested in the effect of micropatterning of liquid slippage, surface charge and topography in flows confined to microscale or nanoscale dimensions. We are also interested in the convective and diffusive transport as well as electromigration of ions and molecules in such flows. Our research has applications in areas such as mixing and separation in microfluidic devices, scanning probe microscopy, clean energy, artificial kidneys and ultrafiltration.

Associated Faculty

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016